Igår klockan 06.15 steg jag upp för att göra mig iordning. Som vanligt var min mage lite skum, gjorde ont och jag ville bara sova men jag bet ihop och Per-Erik skjutsade mig till flygplatsen kring 8. Jag checkade in och gjorde klart allting och sedan kom David, Martina, Mamma, Lenita och Linette för att vinka av mig. Jag tror dom var mer oroliga och ledsna över att jag skulle fara än vad jag var. Jag älskar min familj över allt och tycker om att spendera tid med dem men för mig att fara iväg kändes så rätt och det känns rätt fortfarande.
När jag kom till stockholm hade jag en timme på mig att ta mig till nästa flyg. Jag trodde under en halvtimme att jag var på rätt plats men när det var ca 25min kvar innan flyget skulle gå så satt jag själv där jag satt och förstod att jag var på fel ställe. Så jag frågade en kvinna som jobbade där och hon pekade vart jag skulle. Tillslut när jag kom till terminal 5 kändes det skönt. Jag hade ca 15minuter kvar innan flyget skulle gå när jag stod i kön till säkerhetskontrollen. När jag väl var igenom insåg jag att jag skulle gå till rätt gate också som självklart var längst bort! Jag skyndade mig dit och 1min före planet skulle gå så klev jag på. Dem som stod i gaten var jättetrevliga och sa att dom oroat sig för mig och att jag skulle skynda mig medans flygvärdinnan som släppte in mig skällde på mig och var arg. Men jag hade sådan tur som hann med i sista minuten!!
ca 13.30 anlände jag i köpenhamn och där var väntan 4timmar. Tack och lov kom jag till rätt terminal direkt och behövde bara vänta tills det var 1,5timme kvar till flyget skulle gå innan jag kunde få veta vilken gate jag skulle till. När det var en timme kvar satt jag utanför rätt gate och ögonlocken ville falla ihop. Jag var så sjukt trött och ville bara sova. På planet mot Bologna somnade jag nästan direkt. När vi började närma oss och skulle landa så började jag förstå att jag inte längre var i Sverige. 19.30 kom Luca och hämtade upp mig och ca 2 timmars körning väntade.
Nu har jag sovit min första natt i Italien men jag kan inte riktigt förstå än att jag är här...Att jag kommer stanna minst ett halvår...Att jag är här...Jag är här!! eller?
Yesterday at 6:15 I got up to make myself prepared. As usual, my stomach a little foam. It hurt and I just wanted to sleep but I clenched and Per-Erik drove me to the airport on the 8th I checked in and made it clear everything and then came David, Martina, Mom, Lenita and Linette to wave to me. I think they were more worried and sad that I was going than I was. I love my family above everything and likes to spend time with them but for me to go away it felt so right and it still feels right.
When I came to Stockholm, I had an hour on me to take me to the next flight. I thought for half an hour I was in the right place but when it was about 25min left before the flight was going to put myself where I sat and realized I was in the wrong place. So I asked a woman who worked there and she pointed to where I was. Eventually when I arrived at Terminal 5, it felt nice. I had about 15minutes left before the flight would go as I stood in line at the security checkpoint. Once I was through, I realized that I would go to the right gate also which of course was the furthest! I hurried there and 1min before the plane would go as I walked on. Those who stood in the gate was really nice and said they worried about me and that I should hurry while the flight attendant who let me yelled at me and was angry. But I was lucky one who got to the last minute!
about 13:30, I arrived in Copenhagen and there it was waiting 4 hours. Thankfully I came to the right terminal directly and only had to wait until it was 1.5 hours left to the airport to go before I could find out which gate I was going to. When it was an hour left, I sat right outside the gate and the eyelids would collapse. I was so sick tired and just wanted to sleep. On the plane to Bologna I fell asleep almost immediately. When we began to approach us and would land so I began to understand that I was no longer in Sweden. 19:30 Luca came and picked me up and about 2 hours driving waited.
Now, I slept my first night in Italy but I can not quite understand yet that I'm here. That I will stay for at least six months. I'm here. I'm here! or?
Yesterday at 6:15am I got up to made myself ready. As usual, my stomach was a bit strange. I had pain in it and I just wanted to sleep but I pulled myself together and Per-Erik drove me to the airport around 8am. I checked in and I finished everything and then David, Martina, Mom, Lenita and Linette came to wave me away. I think they were more worried and sad that I was going than I was. I love my family above everything and I like to spend time with them but for me to go away it felt so right and it still feels right.
When I came to Stockholm, I had an hour on me to take me to the next flight. I thought for half an hour I was in the right place but when it was about 25min left before the flight was leaving I was sitting by myself and I realized I was in the wrong place. So I asked a woman who worked there and she pointed where to go. Eventually when I arrived at Terminal 5, it felt nice. I had about 15minutes left before the flight would go as I stood in line at the security checkpoint. Once I was through, I realized that I would go to the right gate also which of course was the furthest! I hurried there and 1min before the plane would go as I walked on. Those who stood in the gate was really nice and said they worried about me and that I should hurry while the flight attendant who let me in, yelled at me and was really angry. But I was lucky to get on the plane in the last minute!
about 13:30, I arrived in Copenhagen and there it was waiting 4 hours. Thankfully I came to the right terminal directly and only had to wait until it was 1.5 hours left before my flight would leave, before I could find out which gate I was going to. When it was an hour left, I sat outside the right gate and the eyelids would collapse. I was so sick tired and just wanted to sleep. On the plane to Bologna I fell asleep almost immediately. When we started to get close to Italy and were close landing, I began to understand that I was no longer in Sweden. 19:30 Luca came and picked me up and about 2 hours driving waited.
Now, I have slept my first night in Italy but I can not quite understand yet that I'm here...That I will stay for at least six months...I'm here...I'm here!! or am I?
Måndag, Annandagen, 360:e dagen på året - Monday, Boxing day, 360th day of the year
Jag har nu firat jul två gånger men har ett julfirande kvar. På julafton for jag och syster till Papi och firade med honom, hans sambo Bettan och hennes två söner. På juldagen for vi till farmor och farfar och åt lite mer julmat och jag smakade älgtunga! Det var inte så farligt men jag tyckte mest om farmors hemgjorda köttbullar <3
Nu är det 4 dagar kvar till avresa men jag känner mig lugn. Planer för dessa fyra dagar är:
MÅN- Börja på packningen, Hjälpa mamma med planering av mat i veckan, umgås med lillasyster.
TIS- Tvätta, Packa det mesta, Kanske fara och träffa klassen, Ringa och avsluta en prenumeration.
ONS- Städa undan och fixa sovplatser, Hjälpa mamma med maten, Fira jul med 7st andra. Bland annat bröder<3
TORS- Packa det sista, Umgås med familjen, vara galen och nervös inför resan!
Nu ska jag hjälpa min syster med ett brädspel hon gör..
I have celebrated Christmas twice, but have a Christmas celebration left. On Christmas Eve me and my sister went to Dad and celebrated with him, his partner Bettan and her two sons. On Christmas Day we went to grandma and grandpa and ate some more Christmas food and I tasted moose-tongue! It was not that bad but I liked Grandma's homemade meatballs best <3
Now it's four days left until the departure, but I feel calm. Plans for these four days are:
MON- Start on packing, helping mom with the planning of meals for this week, spending time with my little sister.
TUS- Wash clothes, pack the most part, maybe go and meet the class, Making and ending a subscription.
WEN- Clean up and fix the beds, helping mom with the food, Celebrate Christmas with 7 others. Among other brothers <3
THURS- Unpack the last, spending time with family, be crazy and nervous about the trip!
I have celebrated Christmas twice, but have a Christmas celebration there. On Christmas Eve I went and sister of Papi and celebrated with him, his partner Betty and her two sons. On Christmas Day we went to grandma and grandpa and ate some more Christmas and I tasted älgtunga! It was not that bad but I liked most about Grandma hemmgjorda meatballs <3
Now it's four days left until the departure, but I feel calm. Plans for these four days are:
MON-start on packing, helping mom with the planning of meals a week, spending time with her little sister.
CIS wash, pack the most part, maybe go and meet the class, Making and ending a subscription.
Wed-clean up and fix the beds, helping mom with the food, Celebrate Christmas with 7pcs others. Among other brothers <3
Thurs-Unpack the last, spending time with family, be crazy and nervous about the trip!
Now I am going to help my sister with a boardgame she is making..
Galen kvinna! - Crazy woman!
Jag är en känslomänniska så mina känslor är det som ofta kommer först. Ibland känner jag utan att tänka och ibland låter jag känslorna ta över. Just nu känner jag massor och jag vet inte riktigt varför. Allt bubblar inom mig och jag får ont i huvudet! xD Jag tror att det som känns är en blandning av olika saker. Jag saknar mina bröder. Julen är snart här. Jag ska få träffa farmor och farfar på söndag. Om nio dagar ska jag iväg.. Sen kommer massor av frågor med det: -Kommer jag gråta dagen innan jag far för att jag vet att jag inte kommer se mina syskon på ett halvår? -Kommer alla gilla sina julklappar? -Har jag glömt att göra något viktigt som ska göras innan jag far? -Kommer jag ta mig hela vägen till Italien eller kommer jag fastna i stockholm? -eller ännu värre, kommer jag fastna i danmark??!! Hur som helst så börjar mina känslor gå över styr nu så på något vis måste jag lugna ner dom. Kanske bara gå ut i skogen och springa och skrika tills det går över? ...eller kanske inte.
I am an emotional person, my feelings are what often comes first. Sometimes I feel without thinking and sometimes I let emotions take over. Right now I feel a lot and I do not really know why. Everything bubbling inside me and I get a headache! xD I think it feels is a mixture of different things. I miss my brothers. Christmas is coming soon. I'll meet my grandmother and grandfather on Sunday. In nine days I'm going .. Then lots of questions with it:-Am I going to cry the day before I go because I know I will not see my siblings in six months? -Will everyone like their christmas presents? -Did I forget to do something important to do before I go? -Will I get me all the way to Italy, or will I get caught up in Stockholm? -or worse, will I get caught up in denmark??! Anyway, my emotions get out of control now, so somehow I have to calm them down. Maybe just go into the woods and run and scream until it passes? ... or maybe not.
Jag blir galen! - I'm going crazy!
Jag sitter nu och försöker lista ut vad jag ska packa och inte. Ni som känner mig, vet att jag planerar i minsta detalj och har ett stort kontrollbehov. Så jag sitter och försöker på något sätt räkna ut vad som är smartast att ta med och vad jag borde lämna. Det är svårare än jag trodde! Har hittills kommit fram till (ganska bra iallafall) vilka kläder som jag ska ta med. Men har ju fortfarande kvar att se till att allt annat, förutom kläder, följer med. Linser, glasögon, Internetdosa, Sladd till dator, mobil-laddare osv.. Det löser sig men jag önska jag hade en lista som jag visste var perfekt så jag kunde vara säker på att allt kommer med och att det onödiga sakerna stannar hemma. Jaja, Jag får väl se detta som ett sätt för mig att träna bort lite av mitt kontrollbehov. Allt MÅSTE inte vara planerat och jag MÅSTE inte veta allt och vara till 100% säker att det kommer bli som jag tänkt.
I am sitting now and trying to figure out what to pack and not. Those of you who know me, know that I plan in detail and have a great need for control. So I sit and try to in some way figure out what's smart to take along and what I should leave. It is more difficult than I thought! Has so far come up with (pretty good anyway) what clothes I should bring. But there's still left to ensure that everything else, except clothes are included. Lenses, eyeglasses, Internet box, cable for computer, mobile phone chargers, etc. .. It will dissolve but I wish I had a list that I knew was perfect so I could be sure that everything is included and that the unnecessary things stay home. Well, I'll have to see this as a way for me to work off some of my need for control. Everything must not be planned, and I MUST not know everything and be 100% sure that it will be as I expected.
Jag sitter nu och försöker lista ut vad jag ska packa och inte. Ni som känner mig, vet att jag planerar i minsta detalj och har ett stort kontrollbehov. Så jag sitter och försöker på något sätt räkna ut vad som är smartast att ta med och vad jag borde lämna. Det är svårare än jag trodde! Har hittills kommit fram till (ganska bra iallafall) vilka kläder som jag ska ta med. Men har ju fortfarande kvar att se till att allt annat, förutom kläder, följer med. Linser, glasögon, Internetdosa, Sladd till dator, mobil-laddare osv.. Det löser sig men jag önska jag hade en lista som jag visste var perfekt så jag kunde vara säker på att allt kommer med och att det onödiga sakerna stannar hemma. Jaja, Jag får väl se detta som ett sätt för mig att träna bort lite av mitt kontrollbehov. Allt MÅSTE inte vara planerat och jag MÅSTE inte veta allt och vara till 100% säker att det kommer bli som jag tänkt.
I am sitting now and trying to figure out what to pack and not. Those of you who know me, know that I plan in detail and have a great need for control. So I sit and try to in some way figure out what's smart to take along and what I should leave. It is more difficult than I thought! Has so far come up with (pretty good anyway) what clothes I should bring. But there's still left to ensure that everything else, except clothes are included. Lenses, eyeglasses, Internet box, cable for computer, mobile phone chargers, etc. .. It will dissolve but I wish I had a list that I knew was perfect so I could be sure that everything is included and that the unnecessary things stay home. Well, I'll have to see this as a way for me to work off some of my need for control. Everything don't HAVE TO be planned, and I don't HAVE TO know everything and be 100% sure that it will be as I expected.
Mamma fyller år idag!!
GRATTIS till världens bästa mor <3
Vi överraskade henne imorse med att vi igår hade städat och skurat hela lägenheten (verkligen städat noga!) och dessutom tagit upp granen och pyntat den samt bytt ut lite dukar till juldukar. Halv fem på morgonen steg jag och min syster upp för att ge mamma frukost på sängen och sen fick hon se förvandlingen av lägenheten. Hon blev lycklig! Sen for hon på jobbet och jag och Martina gick och sov en stund till med tanke på att vi bara fått 4-5 timmars sömn inatt. Mamma blev glad när hon kom på jobbet och insåg att hon skulle få sluta 12 istället för 16 så hon kom hem. Vi spenderade lite tid med varandra och sedan for vi och åt på restaurang med Mikael och sedan hem för att äta tårta från Stigs konditori. Tårtan blev inte uppäten av oss fyra så vi överlämnade ätandet till 6st av Martinas kompisar sen. Dagen avslutades med ett bildspel som Per-Erik hade gjort. Ett bildspel som visade uppskattning till hur underbar mamma vi fått och hon blev nästan lite tårögd. Nu är jag trött så jag ska nog sätta mig i soffan och mysa med Mamsen. Jag får ju bara 11 dagar till med henne så jag ska ta vara på tiden!
Mom's birthday today!
CONGRATULATIONS to the world's best mother <3
We surprised her this morning that yesterday we had cleaned and scrubbed the whole apartment (really cleaned thoroughly!) And also took up the Christmas tree and decorated it and changed out some cloths for Christmas linen. Four-thirty in the morning I got up and my sister to give mom breakfast in bed and then she saw the transformation of the apartment. She was happy! Then she went on the job and I and Martina went and slept for a while, given that we only got 4-5 hours of sleep last night. Mom was happy when she arrived at work and realized that she would have quit 12 instead of 16 so she came home. We spent some time with each other and then we went and ate at the restaurant with Michael and then home to eat cake from Stig. The cake was not eaten by the four of us so we handed over eating to 6 of Martina's friends then. The day ended with a slide show that Per-Erik had done. A slide show that showed appreciation for the wonderful mother we had and she almost got a little teary-eyed. Now I'm tired so I'll probably put me on the couch and cuddle with mum. I have just 11 days to her so I'll seize the day!
Mom's birthday today!
CONGRATULATIONS to the world's best mother <3
We surprised her this morning that yesterday we had cleaned and scrubbed the whole apartment (really cleaned thoroughly!) And also took up the Christmas tree and decorated it and changed out some cloths for Christmas linen. Four-thirty in the morning me and my sister got up to give mom breakfast in bed and then she saw the transformation of the apartment. She was happy! Then she went to work and Martina and myself went back to bed for a while, given that we only got 4-5 hours of sleep last night. Mom was happy when she arrived at work and realized that she would have quit at noon instead of 4pm so she came home. We spent some time with each other and then we went and ate at the restaurant with Michael and then home to eat cake from Stigs konditori. The cake was not eaten by the four of us so we handed over eating to 6 of Martina's friends then. The day ended with a slide show that Per-Erik had done. A slide show that showed appreciation for the wonderful mother we have and she almost got a little teary-eyed. Now I'm tired so I'll probably put me on the couch and cuddle with mum. I have just 11 days left with her so I'll seize the day!
Julen är här...snart - Christmas is here...soon
Om en vecka är det julafton..
Det är just nu +1grad och det är mer is än snö. Gräset sticker fram lite här och var och jag känner inte så stor julkänsla. Jag hoppas att närmaste veckan fylls med snö så julafton kan bli så mysig som möjligt. Inga snöstormar tack men gärna lite snö varje dag och -5 till -10 grader. Det skulle kännas bra!
If a week is Christmas Eve ..
There currently is +1 degree and there is more ice than snow. The grass stands up here and there and I do not know as much Christmas spirit. I hope the next few weeks are filled with snow, Christmas Eve can be as cozy as possible. No blizzards thanks but like a little snow each day and -5 to -10 degrees. It would feel good!
In one week it's Christmas Eve ..
There currently is +1 degree and there is more ice than snow. The grass stands up here and there and I do not feel as much Christmas spirit. I hope this next week will be filled with snow so Christmas Eve can be as cozy as possible. No blizzards thanks but like a little snow each day and -5 to -10 degrees. It would feel good!
Barn - Children
Jag sitter nu hemma hos min faster Malin. Har fått äran att vara barnvakt till min kusin My ikväll. Vi har värmt upp pannkaka och My var så stolt när hon fick hjälpa mig att skära upp. Jag har själv inga barn men jag tror jag redan fått nån slags moderinstinkt ändå. Varje gång jag är barnvakt och tar hand om barnet själv så behandlar jag dom precis som om dom skulle vara mina egna barn. Jag ger dom kärleken jag skulle ge mina barn och känner lycka i hjärtat. Ibland tror jag att jag nästan inbillar mig att det är mitt barn för i farten så ställde jag mig och diskade och tänkte "Jag kan diska bort nu medan My sover så får jag det gjort innan jag ska sova" men sen insåg jag att jag inte bor här och My är inte mitt barn. Men jag diskade bort ändå och tänkte "Nu blir Malin glad och jag nöjd" =D
Hon ligger nu och sover så sött i sin säng men tyvärr har hon haft mardrömmar tror jag. Hon gråter lite nu och då så jag går in och stryker henne lugnt på ryggen och vaggar henne lite och pratar lugnt. Hon vaknar inte men hon lugnar sig iallafall. Jag tror tricket med barn (speciellt om man är barnvakt) är att alltid hålla sig lugn. Barn känner av de vuxnas atmosfär så lätt så behåller man själv bara lugnet så slipper barnet bli rädd i onödan!
I am sitting at my aunt Malins apartment now. I have been honored to be babysitting for my cousin My tonight. We have warmed up pancakes and My was so proud when she got to help me cut them up. I have no children myself but I think I already had some kind of motherly instinct. Every time I'm babysitting I treat them as if they were my own children. I give them the love I would give my children and feel happiness in my heart. Sometimes I think I almost imagine that it is my child because I did the dishes after My felt asleep and thought "I can wash the dishes now while My is asleep so I get it done before I go to sleep" but then I realized that I don't live here and My is not my child. But I washed away anyway, and thought "Now Malin will be happy and I am satisfied" =D
She is now sleeping so sweetly in her bed but unfortunately, she has had nightmares, I think. She is crying a little now and then so I go in and strokes her calm on the back and rock her a bit and talk calmly. She will not wake up but she calms down anyway. I think the trick with children (especially if you are babysitting) is to always stay calm. Children sense the adults' atmosphere so easy so keep yourself calm so the child not have to be scared unnecessarily!
She is now sleeping so sweetly in his bed but unfortunately, she has had nightmares, I think. She is crying a little now and then so I go in and strokes her calm on the back and rock her a bit and talk calmly. She will not wake up but she calms down anyway. I think the trick with children (especially if you are babysitting) is to always stay calm. Children sense the adults' atmosphere as light as you keep yourself calm so just do not have the child be scared unnecessarilyI sit now at my aunt Malin. Have been honored to be babysitting for my cousin My tonight. We have warmed up pancakes and My was so proud when she got to help me cut up. I myself have no children but I think I already had some kind of maternal instinct yet. Every time I'm babysitting and caring for the child himself so I treat them as if they were going to be my own children. I give them the love I would give my children and feel happiness in my heart. Sometimes I think I almost imagine that it is my child for the move so I took and did the dishes and thought "I can wash away now while My sleep, I get it done before I go to sleep" but then I realized that I did not live here and my is not my child. But I washed away anyway, and thought "Now Malin happy and I am satisfied" = D
She is now sleeping so sweetly in his bed but unfortunately, she has had nightmares, I think. She is crying a little now and then so I go in and strokes her calm on the back and rock her a bit and talk calmly. She will not wake up but she calms down anyway. I think the trick with children (especially if you are babysitting) is to always stay calm. Children sense the adults' atmosphere as light as you keep yourself calm so just do not have the child be scared unnecessarily!
Hur ska detta gå? - How will this go?
Det börjar verkligen dra ihop sig. Det är nu 17 dagar kvar tills jag åker.
Veckorna som är kvar är fyllda med grejer och kommer nog bara fyllas ännu mer. Jag har många saker som ska göras, saker som jag vill hinna med och som jag borde göra. Nu måste jag verkligen börja skriva ner och bocka av så jag hinner med det viktigaste. Jag börjar oroa mig lite över packningen dock. Jag har alltid svårt att veta vad jag ska packa. Bara när jag ska bort över en helg blir det för mycket eller fel grejer.
Hur ska jag kunna packa för ett halv år nu då? Önska mig lycka till! =D'
It starts to really tighten. There are now 17 days left until I leave.
The weeks that are left are filled with stuff and will probably only be filled even more. I have many things to do, things I want to do and that I should do. Now I have to really start writing down and mark off so I have time to do the most important. I am beginning to worry me a bit of packing. I have always difficult to know what to pack. Only when I'm away for a weekend, it will be too much or the wrong stuff. How should I pack for a half years now? = D '
It starts to really tighten. There are now 17 days left until I leave.
The weeks that are left are filled with stuff and will probably only be filled even more. I have many things to do, things I want to do and that I should do. Now I have to really start writing down and mark off so I have time to do the most important. I am beginning to worry me a bit of packing. I have always difficult to know what to pack. Only when I'm away for a weekend, it will be too much or the wrong stuff.
How should I pack for half a year now? Wish me luck! = D
Det här är det jag vet just nu som ska göras.
Det känns som att tiden kommer gå fort nu dom närmasta två veckorna! Har jag glömt något nu som ska göras?
This is what I know right now that has to be done.
It feels like the time will go fast now the next two weeks! Have I forgotten anything now that should be done?
Prioritering.. - Priority..
Jag har börjat på min packlista och försökt bocka av de saker som ska göras före resan. Att vara borta ett halvår är ändå en längre tid så jag vill inte glöma något. Är det något jag absolut inte får glömma att ta med eller någon som har tips på vad som kan lämnas osv??
Men så länge jag tar med mig själv så ska det nog gå bra ;)
I've started on my packing list and tried to check off the things to be done before the trip. To be away for six months is still a long time so I do not want to forget anything. Is there anything I absolutely must not forget to bring, or anyone who has tips on what can be provided, etc.?
But as long as I bring myself, it should probably be fine;)
I've started on my packing list and tried to check off the things to be done before the trip. To be away for six months is still a long time so I do not want to forget anything. Is there anything I absolutely must not forget to bring, or anyone who has tips on what can be provided, etc??
But as long as I bring myself, it should probably be fine ;)
Hjälp mig! =D - Help me! =D
Jag har funderat de senaste dagarna på att man borde uppskatta det man har och ta vara på dagarna. Istället för att följa en ström som man inte ens vet vart den går och se framåt på det man inte har. Man borde stanna upp oftare och tänka efter. Jag har funderat på det och kommit fram till att jag borde ha en lista med saker jag vill göra när jag är i Italien. Jag ska ju ändå spendera typ ett halvår där..kanske mer. Så jag hinner nog med saker om jag har en lista på upplevelser jag kan göra. Det finns några saker som jag redan vet att jag vill hinna men behöver fler förslag!! Hjälp mig, någon som har nått tips på vad jag kan sätta som mål att hinna med medans jag är där?? =D
I've been thinking the past few days that we should appreciate what we have and seize the day. Instead of following a stream that you do not even know where it goes and look ahead at what you do not have. We should stop more often and think. I've been thinking about it and decided that I should have a list of things I want to do when I'm in Italy. I will surely spend about half a year there .. maybe more. I'll probably have the time do things if I have a list of experiences I can do. There are some things I already know I want to do but need more suggestions! Help me, someone who has some tips on what I can put as goal to do while I'm there? = D
Vinter - Winter
-7,3 grader just nu och snö på mark och träd. Nu känns det som att det är svensk vinter, eller iaf början till svensk vinter. Det är så skönt att ha snö. För på något sätt blir det ljusare ute och det behövs med tanke på att vi inte har så många timmar sol per dag just nu. Jag borde nog gå ut nu medan solen är framme men kommer nog hamna framför symaskinen istället. Måste sy till Davids byxor så han kan få tillbaka dom.
-7.3 Degrees right now and snow on the ground and trees. Now it feels like there is a Swedish winter, or anyway the beginning to the Swedish winter. It's so nice to have snow. In some way, it gets brighter outside and it's necessary given that we do not have many hours of sun per day right now. I should probably go out now while the sun shines but I'll probably end up in front of the sewing machine instead. Have to sew to David's pants so he can get it back.
Äntligen - Finally
Denna morgon när jag vaknade tittade jag ut genom fönstret och tyckte det såg vitt ut. Jag tog på mig glasögonen för att kunna se och såg då att marken var vit! Jag blev typ lycklig!
Under hela morgonen snöade det och det blev större och större snöflingor. Nu hoppas jag bara att det kommer stanna och senare i veckan bli mer =D Just nu är det bara några cm men det får duga för idag.
This morning when I woke up I looked out the window and thought it looked far out. I put on my glasses to see and saw that the ground was white! I was kind happy!
Throughout the morning it snowed and it grew larger and larger snowflakes. Now I only hope that it will stop, and later in the week to be more = D Right now it's just a few inches but it's good enough for today.
This morning when I woke up I looked out the window and thought it looked a bit white. I put on my glasses to see and saw that the ground was white! I was kind of happy!
Throughout the morning it snowed and it grew larger and larger snowflakes. Now I only hope that it will stay, and later in the week to be more = D Right now it's just a few inches but it's good enough for today.
När? - When?
Det närmar sig..
Nu är det mindre än 4 veckor kvar och jag börjar fundera på vad jag egentligen ska packa med mig och inte.
4 veckor..det kan gå fort! Speciellt om det är december med allt kring julen.
förresten, när ska man skicka julkort? Jag menar, så dom kommer fram i tid?
Köpte ett idag som ska skickas till en speciell person och vill att hon ska få det i tid ;)
It is approaching ..
Now it is less than 4 weeks away and I start thinking about what I thought to pack with me and not.
4 weeks .. it can go fast! Especially if it's December with everything about Christmas.
the way, when should we send Christmas cards? I mean, so they will arrive on time?
Bought one today to be sent to a special person and want it to get it in time;)
It is approaching ..
Now it is less than 4 weeks away and I start thinking about what to pack with me and not.
4 weeks .. it can go fast! Especially if it's December with everything about Christmas.
btw, when should we send Christmas cards? I mean, so they will arrive on time?
Bought one today to be sent to a special person and I want her to get it in time;)
Mindre än en månad.. - Less than a month..
1 december och ingen snö. De känns väldigt konstigt.
Nu är det 29dagar kvar tills jag far så jag ska börja tänka på allt som ska göras innan, tex se till att jag får se i ett halvår.. Dvs Linser. Jag ser verkligen fram emot att åka men vill samtidigt att det ska kännas bra, vill hinna med olika saker här först. Sen kommer jag nog ha med mig några "svenska" grejer ;)
December 1 and no snow. They feel very strange.
Now it 29dagar go before I go so I'll start thinking about everything to be done before, for example, to make sure I get to see half a year .. Ie lenses. I am really looking forward to going but would make it feel good, want to do different things here first. Then I will probably have with me some "Swedish" stuff;)
December 1 and no snow. Thet feels very strange.
Now it 29dagar go before I go so I'll start thinking about everything to be done before, for example, to make sure I get to see half a year .. Which means lenses. I am really looking forward to go but wants it to feel good, want to do different things here first. Then I will probably have with me some "Swedish" stuff;)