Igår klockan 06.15 steg jag upp för att göra mig iordning. Som vanligt var min mage lite skum, gjorde ont och jag ville bara sova men jag bet ihop och Per-Erik skjutsade mig till flygplatsen kring 8. Jag checkade in och gjorde klart allting och sedan kom David, Martina, Mamma, Lenita och Linette för att vinka av mig. Jag tror dom var mer oroliga och ledsna över att jag skulle fara än vad jag var. Jag älskar min familj över allt och tycker om att spendera tid med dem men för mig att fara iväg kändes så rätt och det känns rätt fortfarande.
När jag kom till stockholm hade jag en timme på mig att ta mig till nästa flyg. Jag trodde under en halvtimme att jag var på rätt plats men när det var ca 25min kvar innan flyget skulle gå så satt jag själv där jag satt och förstod att jag var på fel ställe. Så jag frågade en kvinna som jobbade där och hon pekade vart jag skulle. Tillslut när jag kom till terminal 5 kändes det skönt. Jag hade ca 15minuter kvar innan flyget skulle gå när jag stod i kön till säkerhetskontrollen. När jag väl var igenom insåg jag att jag skulle gå till rätt gate också som självklart var längst bort! Jag skyndade mig dit och 1min före planet skulle gå så klev jag på. Dem som stod i gaten var jättetrevliga och sa att dom oroat sig för mig och att jag skulle skynda mig medans flygvärdinnan som släppte in mig skällde på mig och var arg. Men jag hade sådan tur som hann med i sista minuten!!
ca 13.30 anlände jag i köpenhamn och där var väntan 4timmar. Tack och lov kom jag till rätt terminal direkt och behövde bara vänta tills det var 1,5timme kvar till flyget skulle gå innan jag kunde få veta vilken gate jag skulle till. När det var en timme kvar satt jag utanför rätt gate och ögonlocken ville falla ihop. Jag var så sjukt trött och ville bara sova. På planet mot Bologna somnade jag nästan direkt. När vi började närma oss och skulle landa så började jag förstå att jag inte längre var i Sverige. 19.30 kom Luca och hämtade upp mig och ca 2 timmars körning väntade.
Nu har jag sovit min första natt i Italien men jag kan inte riktigt förstå än att jag är här...Att jag kommer stanna minst ett halvår...Att jag är här...Jag är här!! eller?
Yesterday at 6:15 I got up to make myself prepared. As usual, my stomach a little foam. It hurt and I just wanted to sleep but I clenched and Per-Erik drove me to the airport on the 8th I checked in and made it clear everything and then came David, Martina, Mom, Lenita and Linette to wave to me. I think they were more worried and sad that I was going than I was. I love my family above everything and likes to spend time with them but for me to go away it felt so right and it still feels right.
When I came to Stockholm, I had an hour on me to take me to the next flight. I thought for half an hour I was in the right place but when it was about 25min left before the flight was going to put myself where I sat and realized I was in the wrong place. So I asked a woman who worked there and she pointed to where I was. Eventually when I arrived at Terminal 5, it felt nice. I had about 15minutes left before the flight would go as I stood in line at the security checkpoint. Once I was through, I realized that I would go to the right gate also which of course was the furthest! I hurried there and 1min before the plane would go as I walked on. Those who stood in the gate was really nice and said they worried about me and that I should hurry while the flight attendant who let me yelled at me and was angry. But I was lucky one who got to the last minute!
about 13:30, I arrived in Copenhagen and there it was waiting 4 hours. Thankfully I came to the right terminal directly and only had to wait until it was 1.5 hours left to the airport to go before I could find out which gate I was going to. When it was an hour left, I sat right outside the gate and the eyelids would collapse. I was so sick tired and just wanted to sleep. On the plane to Bologna I fell asleep almost immediately. When we began to approach us and would land so I began to understand that I was no longer in Sweden. 19:30 Luca came and picked me up and about 2 hours driving waited.
Now, I slept my first night in Italy but I can not quite understand yet that I'm here. That I will stay for at least six months. I'm here. I'm here! or?
Yesterday at 6:15am I got up to made myself ready. As usual, my stomach was a bit strange. I had pain in it and I just wanted to sleep but I pulled myself together and Per-Erik drove me to the airport around 8am. I checked in and I finished everything and then David, Martina, Mom, Lenita and Linette came to wave me away. I think they were more worried and sad that I was going than I was. I love my family above everything and I like to spend time with them but for me to go away it felt so right and it still feels right.
When I came to Stockholm, I had an hour on me to take me to the next flight. I thought for half an hour I was in the right place but when it was about 25min left before the flight was leaving I was sitting by myself and I realized I was in the wrong place. So I asked a woman who worked there and she pointed where to go. Eventually when I arrived at Terminal 5, it felt nice. I had about 15minutes left before the flight would go as I stood in line at the security checkpoint. Once I was through, I realized that I would go to the right gate also which of course was the furthest! I hurried there and 1min before the plane would go as I walked on. Those who stood in the gate was really nice and said they worried about me and that I should hurry while the flight attendant who let me in, yelled at me and was really angry. But I was lucky to get on the plane in the last minute!
about 13:30, I arrived in Copenhagen and there it was waiting 4 hours. Thankfully I came to the right terminal directly and only had to wait until it was 1.5 hours left before my flight would leave, before I could find out which gate I was going to. When it was an hour left, I sat outside the right gate and the eyelids would collapse. I was so sick tired and just wanted to sleep. On the plane to Bologna I fell asleep almost immediately. When we started to get close to Italy and were close landing, I began to understand that I was no longer in Sweden. 19:30 Luca came and picked me up and about 2 hours driving waited.
Now, I have slept my first night in Italy but I can not quite understand yet that I'm here...That I will stay for at least six months...I'm here...I'm here!! or am I?

Postat av: Gunilla Stenström
Alltid lär man sig nåt på att göra fel....hahaha....men skönt att du kom med..eller de hade ju efterlyst dig.....
Postat av: Rebecka
Jaa, jag hade himla tur! Tack för samtalet förresten, va kul att höra din röst! Kram