Måndag, Annandagen, 360:e dagen på året - Monday, Boxing day, 360th day of the year

Jag har nu firat jul två gånger men har ett julfirande kvar. På julafton for jag och syster till Papi och firade med honom, hans sambo Bettan och hennes två söner. På juldagen for vi till farmor och farfar och åt lite mer julmat och jag smakade älgtunga! Det var inte så farligt men jag tyckte mest om farmors hemgjorda köttbullar <3
Nu är det 4 dagar kvar till avresa men jag känner mig lugn. Planer för dessa fyra dagar är:
MÅN- Börja på packningen, Hjälpa mamma med planering av mat i veckan, umgås med lillasyster.
TIS- Tvätta, Packa det mesta, Kanske fara och träffa klassen, Ringa och avsluta en prenumeration.
ONS- Städa undan och fixa sovplatser, Hjälpa mamma med maten, Fira jul med 7st andra. Bland annat bröder<3
TORS- Packa det sista, Umgås med familjen, vara galen och nervös inför resan!

Nu ska jag hjälpa min syster med ett brädspel hon gör..
I have celebrated Christmas twice, but have a Christmas celebration left. On Christmas Eve me and my sister went to Dad and celebrated with him, his partner Bettan and her two sons. On Christmas Day we went to grandma and grandpa and ate some more Christmas food and I tasted moose-tongue! It was not that bad but I liked Grandma's homemade meatballs best <3
Now it's four days left until the departure, but I feel calm. Plans for these four days are:
MON- Start on packing, helping mom with the planning of meals for this week, spending time with my ​​little sister.
TUS- Wash clothes, pack the most part, maybe go and meet the class, Making and ending a subscription.
WEN- Clean up and fix the beds, helping mom with the food, Celebrate Christmas with 7 others. Among other brothers <3
THURS- Unpack the last, spending time with family, be crazy and nervous about the trip!
I have celebrated Christmas twice, but have a Christmas celebration there. On Christmas Eve I went and sister of Papi and celebrated with him, his partner Betty and her two sons. On Christmas Day we went to grandma and grandpa and ate some more Christmas and I tasted älgtunga! It was not that bad but I liked most about Grandma hemmgjorda meatballs <3
Now it's four days left until the departure, but I feel calm. Plans for these four days are:
MON-start on packing, helping mom with the planning of meals a week, spending time with her ​​little sister.
CIS wash, pack the most part, maybe go and meet the class, Making and ending a subscription.
Wed-clean up and fix the beds, helping mom with the food, Celebrate Christmas with 7pcs others. Among other brothers <3
Thurs-Unpack the last, spending time with family, be crazy and nervous about the trip!
Now I am going to help my sister with a boardgame she is making..


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