Mamma fyller år idag!!
GRATTIS till världens bästa mor <3
Vi överraskade henne imorse med att vi igår hade städat och skurat hela lägenheten (verkligen städat noga!) och dessutom tagit upp granen och pyntat den samt bytt ut lite dukar till juldukar. Halv fem på morgonen steg jag och min syster upp för att ge mamma frukost på sängen och sen fick hon se förvandlingen av lägenheten. Hon blev lycklig! Sen for hon på jobbet och jag och Martina gick och sov en stund till med tanke på att vi bara fått 4-5 timmars sömn inatt. Mamma blev glad när hon kom på jobbet och insåg att hon skulle få sluta 12 istället för 16 så hon kom hem. Vi spenderade lite tid med varandra och sedan for vi och åt på restaurang med Mikael och sedan hem för att äta tårta från Stigs konditori. Tårtan blev inte uppäten av oss fyra så vi överlämnade ätandet till 6st av Martinas kompisar sen. Dagen avslutades med ett bildspel som Per-Erik hade gjort. Ett bildspel som visade uppskattning till hur underbar mamma vi fått och hon blev nästan lite tårögd. Nu är jag trött så jag ska nog sätta mig i soffan och mysa med Mamsen. Jag får ju bara 11 dagar till med henne så jag ska ta vara på tiden!
Mom's birthday today!
CONGRATULATIONS to the world's best mother <3
We surprised her this morning that yesterday we had cleaned and scrubbed the whole apartment (really cleaned thoroughly!) And also took up the Christmas tree and decorated it and changed out some cloths for Christmas linen. Four-thirty in the morning I got up and my sister to give mom breakfast in bed and then she saw the transformation of the apartment. She was happy! Then she went on the job and I and Martina went and slept for a while, given that we only got 4-5 hours of sleep last night. Mom was happy when she arrived at work and realized that she would have quit 12 instead of 16 so she came home. We spent some time with each other and then we went and ate at the restaurant with Michael and then home to eat cake from Stig. The cake was not eaten by the four of us so we handed over eating to 6 of Martina's friends then. The day ended with a slide show that Per-Erik had done. A slide show that showed appreciation for the wonderful mother we had and she almost got a little teary-eyed. Now I'm tired so I'll probably put me on the couch and cuddle with mum. I have just 11 days to her so I'll seize the day!
Mom's birthday today!
CONGRATULATIONS to the world's best mother <3
We surprised her this morning that yesterday we had cleaned and scrubbed the whole apartment (really cleaned thoroughly!) And also took up the Christmas tree and decorated it and changed out some cloths for Christmas linen. Four-thirty in the morning me and my sister got up to give mom breakfast in bed and then she saw the transformation of the apartment. She was happy! Then she went to work and Martina and myself went back to bed for a while, given that we only got 4-5 hours of sleep last night. Mom was happy when she arrived at work and realized that she would have quit at noon instead of 4pm so she came home. We spent some time with each other and then we went and ate at the restaurant with Michael and then home to eat cake from Stigs konditori. The cake was not eaten by the four of us so we handed over eating to 6 of Martina's friends then. The day ended with a slide show that Per-Erik had done. A slide show that showed appreciation for the wonderful mother we have and she almost got a little teary-eyed. Now I'm tired so I'll probably put me on the couch and cuddle with mum. I have just 11 days left with her so I'll seize the day!


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