Barn - Children
Jag sitter nu hemma hos min faster Malin. Har fått äran att vara barnvakt till min kusin My ikväll. Vi har värmt upp pannkaka och My var så stolt när hon fick hjälpa mig att skära upp. Jag har själv inga barn men jag tror jag redan fått nån slags moderinstinkt ändå. Varje gång jag är barnvakt och tar hand om barnet själv så behandlar jag dom precis som om dom skulle vara mina egna barn. Jag ger dom kärleken jag skulle ge mina barn och känner lycka i hjärtat. Ibland tror jag att jag nästan inbillar mig att det är mitt barn för i farten så ställde jag mig och diskade och tänkte "Jag kan diska bort nu medan My sover så får jag det gjort innan jag ska sova" men sen insåg jag att jag inte bor här och My är inte mitt barn. Men jag diskade bort ändå och tänkte "Nu blir Malin glad och jag nöjd" =D
Hon ligger nu och sover så sött i sin säng men tyvärr har hon haft mardrömmar tror jag. Hon gråter lite nu och då så jag går in och stryker henne lugnt på ryggen och vaggar henne lite och pratar lugnt. Hon vaknar inte men hon lugnar sig iallafall. Jag tror tricket med barn (speciellt om man är barnvakt) är att alltid hålla sig lugn. Barn känner av de vuxnas atmosfär så lätt så behåller man själv bara lugnet så slipper barnet bli rädd i onödan!
I am sitting at my aunt Malins apartment now. I have been honored to be babysitting for my cousin My tonight. We have warmed up pancakes and My was so proud when she got to help me cut them up. I have no children myself but I think I already had some kind of motherly instinct. Every time I'm babysitting I treat them as if they were my own children. I give them the love I would give my children and feel happiness in my heart. Sometimes I think I almost imagine that it is my child because I did the dishes after My felt asleep and thought "I can wash the dishes now while My is asleep so I get it done before I go to sleep" but then I realized that I don't live here and My is not my child. But I washed away anyway, and thought "Now Malin will be happy and I am satisfied" =D
She is now sleeping so sweetly in her bed but unfortunately, she has had nightmares, I think. She is crying a little now and then so I go in and strokes her calm on the back and rock her a bit and talk calmly. She will not wake up but she calms down anyway. I think the trick with children (especially if you are babysitting) is to always stay calm. Children sense the adults' atmosphere so easy so keep yourself calm so the child not have to be scared unnecessarily!
She is now sleeping so sweetly in his bed but unfortunately, she has had nightmares, I think. She is crying a little now and then so I go in and strokes her calm on the back and rock her a bit and talk calmly. She will not wake up but she calms down anyway. I think the trick with children (especially if you are babysitting) is to always stay calm. Children sense the adults' atmosphere as light as you keep yourself calm so just do not have the child be scared unnecessarilyI sit now at my aunt Malin. Have been honored to be babysitting for my cousin My tonight. We have warmed up pancakes and My was so proud when she got to help me cut up. I myself have no children but I think I already had some kind of maternal instinct yet. Every time I'm babysitting and caring for the child himself so I treat them as if they were going to be my own children. I give them the love I would give my children and feel happiness in my heart. Sometimes I think I almost imagine that it is my child for the move so I took and did the dishes and thought "I can wash away now while My sleep, I get it done before I go to sleep" but then I realized that I did not live here and my is not my child. But I washed away anyway, and thought "Now Malin happy and I am satisfied" = D
She is now sleeping so sweetly in his bed but unfortunately, she has had nightmares, I think. She is crying a little now and then so I go in and strokes her calm on the back and rock her a bit and talk calmly. She will not wake up but she calms down anyway. I think the trick with children (especially if you are babysitting) is to always stay calm. Children sense the adults' atmosphere as light as you keep yourself calm so just do not have the child be scared unnecessarily!
Postat av: Monica
Du är så fin Rebecka! Och du tänker helt rätt när det gäler barn! Kärlek kan man aldrig få för mycket av! Kul att få träffa dig en stund i afton! Kraaaaaaaaam