Julen är här...snart - Christmas is here...soon

Om en vecka är det julafton..
Det är just nu +1grad och det är mer is än snö. Gräset sticker fram lite här och var och jag känner inte så stor julkänsla. Jag hoppas att närmaste veckan fylls med snö så julafton kan bli så mysig som möjligt. Inga snöstormar tack men gärna lite snö varje dag och -5 till -10 grader. Det skulle kännas bra!
If a week is Christmas Eve ..
There currently is +1 degree and there is more ice than snow. The grass stands up here and there and I do not know as much Christmas spirit. I hope the next few weeks are filled with snow, Christmas Eve can be as cozy as possible. No blizzards thanks but like a little snow each day and -5 to -10 degrees. It would feel good!
In one week it's Christmas Eve ..
There currently is +1 degree and there is more ice than snow. The grass stands up here and there and I do not feel as much Christmas spirit. I hope this next week will be filled with snow so Christmas Eve can be as cozy as possible. No blizzards thanks but like a little snow each day and -5 to -10 degrees. It would feel good!


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