Eftermiddagslur? - Afternoon-nap?

Idag steg jag upp 7.30 och har spenderat förmiddagen med Ellie. Det är så skönt med rutiner och att dessutom få sig ut på en promenad på förmiddagen. Speciellt när Ellie är så duktig och sitter stilla och tyst i sittvagnen. Jag ska fortsätta umgås med barnen när Taye kommer hem från skolan kl 16.00.
Jag tycker det är så underbart med barn för dom bryr sig inte lika mycket om vad andra tycker, dom har roligt och testar nya saker hela tiden. När jag var och hälsade på en av mina tidigare familjer slutade det med provning av mina skor och massa "modell-bilder?"..

Today I got up 7:30 and spent the morning with Ellie. It's so nice to have routines and to also get out for a walk in the morning. Especially when Ellie is so good and sits quietly in her stroller. I will continue to spend time with the kids when Taye come home from nursery at 16.00.
I think it's so wonderful with children for they do not care as much about what others think, they have fun and try new things all the time. When I was visiting one of my previous families it ended up with testing my shoes and lots of "model-pictures?" ..
Today I got up 7:30 and spent the morning with Ellie. It's so nice to have routines and to also get out for a walk in the morning. Especially when Ellie is so good and sits quietly in her stroller. I will continue to spend time with the kids when Taye come home from nursery at 16.00.
I think it's so wonderful with children because they do not care as much about what others think, they have fun and try new things all the time. When I was visiting one of my previous families it ended up with testing my shoes and lots of "model-pictures?" ..

Postat av: Isobel!

Omg! Those pictures of the girls are adoraaable!!

They've grown up so much too! WTH. Its only been a few months.

Glad you're first day has gone well so far!

2012-01-30 @ 14:53:33
Postat av: din svenska mamma

Vilka små sockergryn! Jag tror ni kommer att trivas fint tillsammans. Kram!

2012-01-30 @ 19:19:10
Postat av: Rebecka

I know Isobel, they grow fast ;) haha I talk like it's actully my kids xD

Thank you! Btw, I hope you know that I miss you :D

2012-01-30 @ 19:46:27
Postat av: den svenska mammans dotter ;)

Jag vet mamma, dom är urgulliga!!

2012-01-30 @ 19:47:33

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